Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Seattle Leg of the Good-bye Tour

This past weekend Jeff and I went to Seattle to say farewell to all Jeff's family over there. It started at Jeff's cousin Mitchell's wedding Friday night. Which we had to buy all new outfits for because we somehow left without the pile of wedding stuff (including the proper sucker-inner underwear because the dress I was going to wear is darker and the dress I ended up wearing wasn't).

They put on a nice wedding and had some fun quirks, including piles of legos as centerpieces for the tables. So lots of lego building ensued.

Ken proving he's still got his dad-lego
skillz and can build anything
on demand, including an elephant
Then the elephant started flying
And you can't build something out of
legos without smashing it at the
end of the day
Jeff making lego magic

We spent a lot of time at the wedding talking about our upcoming trip because somehow the Mosmon side of the family hadn't heard we were leaving. 

Saturday we spent the morning hanging out with Gma and Gpa, talking about adventures (since Gma and Gpa are world travelers), and doing homework on the sly. We had dinner with one of my good friends from Whitworth and then headed up to Anacortes. 

Sidenote: when Jeff and I started dating, the first time we went to Anacortes Jeff told me that you could get from Seattle to Anacortes by ferry. So as we were driving up there, I looked it up to see if we could take the ferry on Monday on our way home. Only problem: there is no ferry! I've been excited about this for three years and now those dreams are dashed! It was a bit of a disappointment. 

We spent all of Sunday hanging out with the Aunties (Dana and Denise). Started the day off of course at Penguin coffee, the local coffee shop (a trip to Anacortes wouldn't be complete without it). We had lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Brown and had some good laughs. Then the Aunties and Jeff and I dragged each other out and played "tennis without rules." And let me tell you, playing tennis with ocean breezes is really easy on one side of the court and really hard on the other. Later we made dinner for everyone which was yummy and just hung out of the rest of the evening. 

Monday included one last Penguin run and then it was back to Spokane. Driving home Jeff and I were both definitely feeling the sadness sinking in. We don't see everyone on the west side all that often, but it's enough during the year to stay involved and up-to-date with everyone, and realizing it wont be a simple 5 hour drive anymore was a little freaky. However I realize we'll probably be so busy seeing and experiencing everything over there that we won't even realize how fast time is going until it's over and we're coming home. 

Lady Washington

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