So I got whatever is going around. I have no idea how since I rarely go places, but there you go. It's been one of those colds where everyday brings you a new and interesting facet. Saturday - sore throat; Sunday - sore throat got so bad it moved to my ears too; Monday - snot added itself to the equation; today - stomach cramps. We'll see where tomorrow takes us. Oh, and it's one of those colds that isn't completely debilitating. When you sit on the couch for three hours, you feel fine; but the second you stand up to make meatballs, your body say "um, e'scuse me? where do you think you're going?"
Bookclub #2
So I met for the first time with the other book club I joined, called "Booze, Books, and [insert name of book here]. We met at a bar and it was awesome. There were only four of us and we spent more time gossiping about our lives than talking about the book, which was just fine. We read
Not That Kind of Girl, which I hated. Seriously, I've seen Lena Dunham a few times on tv being interviewed and always thought "wow, that girl really speaks her mind. go her!" but after reading this book my opinion changed to "dude, maybe you should filter yourself just a little bit." And I now have absolutely no desire to watch Girls at all.
But again, very fun book club and I'll definitely be going back.
Australian Open
It's happening and Jeff was very sad when 'the Fed' (that's what I call Roger Federer) got defeated in the second round. I think we're about to see a huge change in the top eight this year because there are a lot of young players starting to come into their own. This idea was solidified more when Nadal was knocked out by a younger guy. One of Jeff's life goals is to see the Fed play in person, and we're pretty sure that means we have to sometime this year, so I'm now haunting the internet for signs of him saying he's going to the US Open in August. My original idea was to go to this Australian Open - until I looked up plane ticket prices and discovered getting there would be about six grand. So that didn't happen.
Super Bowl Par-tay
We have been invited to a Super Bowl party with some new friends and I am very excited. I've started feeling gloomy about friends again in the past few days because we drove Sean, our only friend we have made all on our own, to the airport so he could move back to Connecticut because he broke up with his girlfriend and wanted to move back to be with his family. It was very sad.
Mentoring is awesome
So the project I talked about a few weeks ago where I was kicking ass and taking name - this project is becoming a huge learning experience for me on multiple levels.
1. The first level is financial acumen. I'm working really closely with our COO right now because the sales guy on the project vastly underbid the project (by about three-fold) and we're having to develop our presentation of the bad new. But I'm learning a lot about how to do that from an expert (up until now I just had to wing it).
2. Mentoring - the designer on the project is right out of school and consequently has never done this type of project (let alone one of it's magnitude) and has little experience interacting with clients on a daily basis in a business setting. So I'm spending a lot of time mentoring him and it's great fun. He's really eager to learn and I'm finding how much I've grown just in the past year as a PM. Today I was coaching him on how to write emails to clients, and it was amazing to me how easy it was flowing from my fingers. One of the principles I've always had, but am really flexing in this scenario of telecommuting, is empowering my team. So watching him learn how to interact and deal with the client - and be a part of that learning process - is awesome.