Monday, August 25, 2014

Bowling farewell

Saturday night we did our last bowling tournament with all of our bowling buddies. It was one of the milestones that I knew I was going to cry and be sad about. And after a round of tequila shots dedicated to me and Jeff having an amazing time, I did just that. I also lost very badly at darts.

But Richelle said an amazing thing to me as we were all leaving. I had started to really cry (Larry hugs will do that to a person) and Richelle said "Heather, you're going to have so much fun and when you come back and you'll have all these great stories and memories and we'll all still be here." Now her saying these specific words is nothing new because a ton of people have said them to me, but in that moment when I was so sad to be leaving our friends that we'd seen every week for two years now she was making me remember the awesomeness that will happen. It was great way to end the evening and I am completely grateful that she said it.

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