Friday, August 22, 2014

I'm an Emotional Wreck

I've hit the point where everything makes me cry. I'm an emotional wreck. At any moment this is what I'm feeling:

  • Stress - getting everything done while still working and doing the last week of the school term (I literally took my final today in the middle of our crazy apartment. This is the biggest one at the moment.
  • Sadness - things are changing. People who I see on a regular basis are no longer going to be in my life on that level. It will be a lot harder to just pick up the phone/drive across town to see family.
  • Loved - everyone wants to spend time with us before we go and there just isn't enough time to properly say goodbye.
  • Freak out - we are headed into a serious unknown, with no support system other than each other. This is especially scary for me because my family has always been a 20 minute drive away.
  • Excitement - we are going to see and do so much stuff that we would never otherwise see or do. At this moment in time, this the smallest emotion being felt right now, but I know in 3 weeks it'll be the biggest one
Jeff is at the point where he's not even that phased anymore when I walk in a room and burst into tears. He's being awesome and holding my hand until it passes, but I have a feeling he's going to be doing it a lot in the coming weeks.

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