Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Oregon Coast

Prepare yourself and get a cookie: this post should be about four different post but since we leave in 8 days, it's one big jumble.

So in true "we're moving far far away and instead of packing, we'll go on a vaca" fashion that my family is known for (we went to Disneyland the day before the movers came to pick up our stuff from CA to WA - and we weren't ready at all), Jeff and I spent last week in Lincoln City on the Oregon Coast with Jeff's family.

In preparation for the trip, Andrea and I went out on a girls day on Saturday and went and got all the food at Costco and Fred Meyer and then packed it all in our car, since it was the one without any kids in it. I had a very stressful two days trying to keep everything cold because instead of picking out the brand new 5-day cooler from the pile of coolers in Ken's garage, we picked up the old ratty one which we didn't even bring back but threw away in Lincoln City.

Jeff and I headed down to Portland on Sunday and stayed the night just across the river in Vancouver. Funny story about Portland: we have accidentally started a tradition that Jeff gets a new pair of flip flops every time we go. Last time we went to Portland for our honeymoon, Jeff left them at the wedding venue so we didnt have them; and this time Jeff blew out one as we were loading the car. So accidental tradition started :]

When we got to Vancouver, I was pulling out my computer to do the one computer related thing I needed to do the entire week, only to discover I left my computer cord at home. This sent me into total panic. “What am I going to do with myself?!?!” panic.

In the midst of this panic, my brain kept saying to me “Dude, you have no obligations this week. You took the week off from work, you prepared and are far enough ahead in school work that you don’t absolutely need your computer until you get back, and one of your goals of this week was to be as unplugged as possible. Relax!” But even with this logic ringing in my ears I couldn’t stop the feeling of dread coming over me. Disregarding the fact that Jeff still had his computer and I still had my phone, the fact that I didn’t have my computer ready and available 24/7 was like someone had chopped off my foot. 

This made me feel totally pathetic. I in no way need it. I literally only brought for a “just in case,” yet it’s apparently become so integrated into who I am that being without it even for a week of vaca time is making me freak out. So I spent the week in total unplugged mode (helped along by the lack of wifi at the beach house), which ended being an awesome experience and I'm now looking forward to being as unplugged as possible when we go on our adventure. 

On Monday Jeff and I putzed around Portland for a few hours, getting delicious Pearl District sushi and going into what I've decided is my most favorite store ever, West Elm. I bought a "train blanket," which is the perfect size and not too bulky to keep in my carryon for when I inevitably get cold (and no, they didnt have Orange in the store so I didn't even know that was a thing and got Slate instead, which I actually think will hold up better for its purpose). Then we got in the car and drove the two more hours to Lincoln City. 

My shrimp tempura sushi and our favorite Salmon and Scallop roll from this place (theres a full scallop in each piece!) You can't really tell in this picture, but this sushi is ON FIRE. Also, Jeff couldn't decide if he liked warm sushi or not after. I thought it was amazing.
The beach house that I rented was perfect. When I was looking I specifically wanted one with four bedrooms because Jeff and I are on the bottom of the adult-bed-totem-pole and I really didnt want to sleep in a pullout in the living room. So I found this place and it was a great place for all of us to hang out and still have our own space. But the best part of the place hands down was the table. We all could sit down and eat together which is something we've never done before because Ken and Julie's house can't accommodate that many people in one room. Jeff and I took the room on the main floor with the handicap bathroom and it reinforced my love for huge walk-in showers. Ken and Julie had the loft all to themselves; and Craig and Jess and Kenny and Andrea and the six kids took over the basement.

The beach was only a block away and we took many walks along edge of the water, playing the classic "can you run faster than the water?" game with the kids. It was Oregon, so it was foggy and and only about 64 degrees the entire time we were there, but we did manage to get in one epic sand castle, complete with stomping on it at the end like we were giants.

One day we all piled in the car and drove down to Newport to the aquarium (famous for being the home of Free Willy for a long time).  It's not a very big aquarium so we were able to explore at our own pace while still staying in a group.

Jeff and Ken checking out some jelly fish (and even though you can't see Jeff's face in this picture, he's making the same exact face as Ken. I guarantee it. Me and Noah touching some things while Kenny makes sure Noah doesn't face plant into the pool (because if anyone would do that, it would be Noah)

Then Jeff and I had to pretend to be crabs (btw, that is a life-size painting of a Japanese spider crab, which there was a tank of "juvenile" ones just to the right of the painting)
Jeff's technique: focus on the pinchers My technique: focus on the wingspan (the sign said 12 feet!)

Us surrounded by sharks!
The rest of the week was spent relaxing, reading, playing games, and spending time with each other. It was an excellent way for all of us to get together before Jeff and I head off on our grand adventure.

Oh and of course on the way home, we had to stop at Tillamook.

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