Saturday, October 25, 2014

Rekindled hobby

So now that I don't have school in my life, Jeff told me I needed to get some hobbies. So I decided to start actively sewing again. And to start this, I had to call my mother and her ask her the likelihood that I would get my sewing machine back. It was small. So I got to go buy a new one. Now I've had the same sewing machine my entire life. It's the one my mom got me for my birthday way back in the day and it was your basic $100 beginning sewing machine. So imagine my surprise when I walk into the local sewing machine shop and get introduced to all the new things that machines do now. (funny sidenote: Jeff didn't know there were sewing machine stores before I told him I was going to one). And since I didn't want a quilting sewing machine, I was directed to a completely different area of the store than Nani and Sue hang out in. So the really nice gay guy showed me this machine that did crazy awesome things. It threads your needle for you, does the back and forth at the end of the seam itself, and cuts the threads so you dont have trailing threads everywhere. I was in love. It also didnt have a peddle which I thought was weird, but thats how it works now so I went with it. But then he informed me it was a Babylock and it $1200. I asked what else they had.

But then he totally hooked me up. He told me that Babylock and Brother are actually sister companies, and like Ford and Mercury, are the same machines just one has leather seats. So he found the same machine (minus some things I would never use) for $500. So I took that one. It's a Brother Simplicity and I love it. I feel very grownup.

So for my first project I did a basic shirt to just reaffirm my sewing skills. And then I went crazy. I took Jeff to the fabric store and he pointed out some pinky orange sparkly zebra print knit and said "what about curtains for the living room?" Backstory: we bought these tables at Ikea in "high gloss turquoise" and are doing a crazy living room. We're looking at this apartment as the place to have fun. Since we'll only be here a short time we don't have to buy investment pieces and can pick sparkly zebra fabric for curtains. So thats what we're doing. Lots of color! So I made curtains today. Fully lined with grommet curtains. Out of knit fabric. I'm pretty sure the knit fabric part made it about 100 times harder than it should have been, but I used an actual curtain lining fabric for the back so I was able to stabilize it a bit.

Up-close of the fabric 
the finished product

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A sad feeling

I took my last final this morning. Now I know that it's not official yet and I'm still actually quite nervous about it since I have to have a certain GPA to graduate (even though I have a lot of wiggle room and really have no need to be stressed about it), but I took it and I'm very excited. I'm excited to have accomplished this thing that I never thought I would do. I'm excited to have grown and learned things I never would have learned in the flow of my career at the time that I started. I'm excited about the knowledge that I now have that has opened doors to new conversations and new career opportunities.

I'm also very sad. The likelihood of me going back to school after this is very small. From now on I'm going to have learn and grow through different outlets that aren't the structure of school. Books that I choose to read, conferences I choose to go to, jobs I choose to go after. These are the ways I will continue to grow. I am now fully responsible for continuing my growth and education.

But sitting in a classroom or reading a textbook is behind me. I have no desire to get my Phd (the idea of writing a thesis is the worst thing ever). And it's a weird feeling. When I graduated undergrad, I was so excited to be done (rightfully so since it took me forever) and so focused on my new grown up job I had lined up that I didn't stop and really reflect on the lack of school in my life at that point. And when we decided that I was going to go back for my Master's, I was focused on the excitement of jump starting my career when I was done. Yet now that I'm here, the main thing I'm thinking is "what am I going to do with all this free time?" I've been working, going to school, and up until we moved, had a full social life. And now school is no longer there. It's a weird feeling.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Going through a manly right of passage while sewing curtains

I have gone through a manly-right-of-passage. I officially killed a drill and had to buy a new one. In my defense, the drill that I killed was only a 4 volt and I was asking it to do things that 4 volts really shouldn't be doing. But anyway, I got a new drill! And thus started my own collection of grown-up tools since I moved away from all the people that I would just borrow tools from.

Manly-right-of-passage gone through.

I had to go get a drill because I was trying to put up curtains in Jeff's office and the drill stopped working. I was trying to put up the curtains that we bought at IKEA this past weekend when we went to IKEA with Sue, Holly, Rachael, and Sean. It was their first time and was fun to watch the overwhelmed looks on all of their faces. Holly and Sean did the entire place twice and had some food in the cafeteria in the amount of time it took the rest of us to go through once, which we felt was making good time.

Anyway, I got some curtains but they were too long. And since my sewing machine is still at my mom's house (there are about 5 things still strewn about Spokane that we will be collecting at Christmas), I pulled out the 1970s sewing machine I bought for $10 at an estate sale strictly because it looked cool. I had no idea if it worked but I knew it had bobbins, which is always the magical question in our family. But it worked! So then I had to figure out to thread it/make a bobbin but the internet helped with that. Then I hemmed the curtains and was pretty proud of myself since they are only about 2 cm different in length.

I felt like this activity from start to finish shows a lot about me. I was just as happy about buying a power tool as I was that my 1970s sewing machine worked.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The week of delicious food

Today Jeff and I should have been in London. At the Destination Star Trek convention. In the front row of the TNG cast reunion talk moderated by William Shatner. And at the Brent Spinner session. And the Patrick Stewart session.

But we aren't. And that is very sad. This was definitely something we were looking forward to for quite some time. But the good news is that it's the last thing we had planned on for our adventures so my Google calendar will stop reminding me about all the cool things I have missing.

Instead we went a cool happening here in Seattle last night. Reeds band was playing and we joined the groupie ranks by showing up during soundcheck because the party doesnt start in Seattle until the time the party is ending in Spokane, and then going and having dinner with the band while waiting for said party to start. And it was so much fun. Jeff and I have been feeling really stuck in the friend category and by nights end had discussed many potential hangouts, which made me feel more at home here so fast.

Jeff is continuing to sleep all day and work all night so I've basically been doing my own thing all day. Oh and I've also decided that I'm telling my boss next week that he either needs to utilize my skills as a designer or as a PM because doing both takes two very different brain sets and they don't mesh well and I'm tired of it.

In other other news, we made delicious enchiladas last night with secret sauce that I can't say the name of because this-is-the-internet-and-SEO-things-might-happen-and-I-was-given-this-recipe-when-we-left-Spokane-under-serious-promise-to-not-talk-about-it. And in other cooking news, I made Alton Brown pizza dough a few days ago and have now ruined this household's tastebuds for anything but amazing pizza. We used to get Safeway's deli pizza dough but now that's ruined. This stuff was so worth the 24 hour forethought time period.

That's some sexy sauce right there

Funny story my mom told me the other day:
*conversation between her and Cody*
mom - we're having pea soup tomorrow for dinner
Cody - we should invite Heather
mom - Heather can't come. She lives in Seattle.
Cody - she has an apartment there. she still lives here.